

Estamos encantados de compartir que OJP ha terminado el proyecto de Mereces 718, en Barcelinhos. Nos gustaría agradecer al Grupo DST por su confianza, una vez más, en nuestra experiencia.

We have started works on the the largest civil engineering project in Belgium!

We are happy to announce the start of the works on our new project SM Toots. OJP is carrying out the initial works on the new metro station - Toots Thielemans, in the center of Brussels, as part of the new metro line of the

We are pleased to announce the start of the works in our project TAKEDA LESSINES. OJP will be responsible for the Concrete Foundations of a warehouse located in Lessines, with the new partner FRANKI FOUNDATIONS.

Today, we announce another big milestone in our history: our new headquarters, in Alpendorada, Portugal.

Comenzamos la construcción de la estación de tratamiento de aguas más grande de Europa en Bucarest, Rumania.