The existing lock is too small for the expected volume of shipping traffic and for large pushed convoys. The new lock must be suitable for large vessels up to 190m long and 11,40m wide. The lock itself will be 16m wide. Ther is an extra lock door in the middle of the lock, so it can also operate as a smaller lock allowing smaller vessels to pass through more quickly. The new lock is not being built in the same place as the old lock, but in the immediate vicinity. This will enable the existing lock to be used for as long as possible with almost no disruption for shipping. A new quay wall needs to be built before work on the new lock can begin. This quay wall will broaden acces to the existing lock and is being built on the right bank, upstream of the lock. Space on the water will be restricted during construction of the new lock. The construction of the quay wall means the current lock will remain accessible while work on the new lock continues. Once the new lock is complete, the old one will be dismantled and replaced with the new quay walls and an inlet dock.
OJP carried out all the reinforced concrete work.